
40110-G5110 Ball Joint. The Make is NISSAN, Model is VANETTE, VANETTE LARGO, VANETTE VAN, VANETTE COACH, VANETTE TRUCK and year was for 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986.

Product OE number
REF. NO. 40110-G5110
Product basic information
Fitting Position Front Axle
Fitting Position Upper
Conical Degree 1:8
Fitted Diameter ∅13.5
Outer Thread M12x1.25
Bady Thread 3-M8

What other OE Numbers such as 40110-G5110

This product Numbers is not only one that is 40110-G5110. A lot of numbers are this product, too. However, All this are one product like the picture show.

40110-G5100 40110-G5110 40110-G3700 40110-G5160
40110G5100 40110G5110 40110G3700 40110G5160

More information about the parts of 40110-G5110

40110-G5110 is suitable for different parameter models. More details of the parameters are obtained from the table on Laryi website. Meanwhile, Laryi can provide free samples.

Model Engine Displacement Power Hp Type Year
NISSAN VANETTE Bus (C22) (1986/10 - 1995/12)
VANETTE Bus (C22) 2.0 Z20S 1952 66 90 Bus 87/07 - 94/08
VANETTE Bus (C22) 2.4 i (SLC22) Z24i 2389 74 101 Bus 86/10 - 95/12
VANETTE Bus (C22) 2.4 i (SLC22) Z24i 2389 77 105 Bus 86/10 - 95/12
VANETTE Bus (C22) 2.0 D (ULC22) LD20 1952 47 64 Bus 86/10 - 95/12
VANETTE Bus (C22) 1.5 A15S 1488 51 69 Bus 86/10 - 95/12
NISSAN VANETTE Bus (KC120) (1981/06 - 1987/12)
VANETTE Bus (KC120) 1.2 A12 1172 47 64 Bus 82/07 - 84/10
VANETTE Bus (KC120) 2.0 D LD20 1952 43 58 Bus 86/01 - 87/06
NISSAN VANETTE CARGO Bus (HC 23) (1994/09 - /)
VANETTE CARGO Bus (HC 23) 2.0 D LD20 1952 49 67 Bus 96/01 - /
NISSAN VANETTE Box (C22) (1986/10 - 1995/12)
VANETTE Box (C22) 2.0 D LD20II 1952 49 67 Box 91/07 - 95/01
VANETTE Box (C22) 1.5 A15S 1488 51 69 Box 86/10 - 95/12
NISSAN TRADE Platform/Chassis (1998/11 - 2004/09)
TRADE Platform/Chassis 2.3 D LD23 2283 55 75 Platform/Chassis 98/11 - 01/04
TRADE Platform/Chassis 2.7 TD TD27T 2664 73 99 Platform/Chassis 98/11 - 04/09
NISSAN VANETTE Box (C120) (1981/07 - 1987/06)
VANETTE Box (C120) 1.2 A12 1172 47 64 Box 82/07 - 84/10
NISSAN TRADE Platform/Chassis (1993/04 - 1998/10)
TRADE Platform/Chassis 2.0 D LD20 1952 49 67 Platform/Chassis 93/04 - 98/10
TRADE Platform/Chassis 3.0 D BD30II 2953 63 86 Platform/Chassis 93/04 - 98/10
NISSAN TRADE Box (1986/11 - 1993/03)
TRADE Box 2.0 D LD20 1952 44 60 Box 86/11 - 93/03
NISSAN TRADE Platform/Chassis (1986/11 - 1994/06)
TRADE Platform/Chassis 2.0 D LD20 1952 44 60 Platform/Chassis 86/11 - 93/03
NISSAN TRADE Box (1993/04 - 1998/10)
TRADE Box 3.0 D BD30II 2953 63 86 Box 93/04 - 98/10
TRADE Box 2.0 D LD20 1952 49 67 Box 93/04 - 98/10